Tuesday, September 29, 2009
And I Wonder...
I wonder how you improve perfection. As i said before I think I am flawless. The answer I've come up with....Well, the first step is realizing your faults. Being aware and accepting of the fact that no one in this world is perfect is that in itself as close to perfection as you will ever get. No one in this world can ever reach their peak if they think that they have already reached that plateau. The fact that you can never be as good as you can be is the basis for my belief in the word progress. PROGRESS means the world to me. It gives me something to look forward to because I have accepted that I can do better. I can dress better, eat better, look better, organize better, prioritize better, strive better, study better, draw better, sing better, dance better, act better, and im sure by now you get the point. What is true for me is true for every human being. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you aren't good enough because they aren't perfect. You aren't good enough just means that someone else have progressed further than you have and it should only be motivation to do better. BETTER BETTER BETTER. PROGRESS PROGRESS PROGRESS.
I won't rant and rave any longer but I had to let it be known. I'm done. (P.S. you can probably look forward to a tattoo with progress on me sometime...I haven't quite made my mind up yet but I will)
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Gender Class
Jay Z on Oprah
Jay-Z on Oprah Part 1 from LowKey on Vimeo.
Jay-Z on Oprah Pt.2 from LowKey on Vimeo.
Jay-Z on Oprah Pt.3 from LowKey on Vimeo.
Jay-Z on Oprah Pt.4 from LowKey on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Crying in class
The mess I ran across on mediatakeout
What's goin on with souljaboy's head?
that is all...after that it's who's taking naked pictures and all that explicit nonesense...until next time :-D
P.S. i'm F***IN excited for the Jordan XI Space Jams to come out....might go to bmore and camp out to make sure I get those
Am I trying to get social?
A world first: Vaccine helps prevent HIV infection
BANGKOK – For the first time, an experimental vaccine has prevented infection with the AIDS virus, a watershed event in the deadly epidemic and a surprising result. Recent failures led many scientists to think such a vaccine might never be possible.
The vaccine cut the risk of becoming infected with HIV by more than 31 percent in the world's largest AIDS vaccine trial of more than 16,000 volunteers in Thailand, researchers announced Thursday in Bangkok.
Even though the benefit is modest, "it's the first evidence that we could have a safe and effective preventive vaccine," Col. Jerome Kim said in a telephone interview. He helped lead the study for the U.S. Army, which sponsored it with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
via Yahoo! Associated Press
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Some Spring 2010 lines I was really impressed with
The Amber Rose Dilemna

Ok so I recently say a post about this on my friends blog (http://goldnraysofsunshine.blogspot.com/). Now I agree with her that the look isn't for everybody. What look is? Anyway, I don't whole heartedly agree with her criteria. For one thing, natural coarse hair doesn't mean that you can't get away with rocking a close cut. Prime example, international renowned model Alek Wek. She's pure African and looks amazing in her close cut. She's obviously well groomed but that's all it really takes, proper grooming. The next thing I can't whole heartedly agree with is the whole flawless look thing. While this is a plus it's not a necessity. I mean Amber Rose is just gorgeous but for the most part still human. Rarely will you ever see her without make up and the truth is not all of these barbies are stunning without make up on. It doesn't mean you are out for this look. The whole body thing, well again all a plus for the look but not a necessity. I know some pretty big girls with close cuts and I mean again referring to Alek Wek, she's long and slender but still rocks this do with ferocity. Lastly, style
Lupe Fiasco: Run This Town Freestyle
-via WorldStarHipHop
Monday, September 21, 2009
My new inspiration
After Lots of Talking
The Blueprint 3
You know I got it the day it came out...September 8th not the 11th....I must say i'm impressed....Sounds different coming from Jay on a whole....Jigga has this theme behind him....He's the best and he knows it and makes it a point to mention it on every trac...I aint mad at him though....Least its not like Kanye who's just a little too in your face about things....My favorite tracks on the album are Empire State of Mind, Already Home, Young Forever, Hate, Reminder, Real as it Gets, and Star is Born
Another Albums worth a listen:

KiD CuDi - Man on the Moon; End of the Day
Trey Songz - Ready
Thursday, September 17, 2009
i was supposed to meet wit this production company tomorrow but smh they rescheduled and only let me know today...The things you go through to live out your dreams....We'll see what happens I guess....gives me more time to shop