Friday, February 5, 2010

Check Me Out on the blog for

In the wake of the crisis in Haiti, put together a benefit event to raise money to send to Haiti through UNICEF. The event was called "Shop For Haiti" and the website got some of their brands to donate clothes, shoes, jewelry etc. for them to sell. 100% of the money raised went to Haiti. The event was held at La Pomme in Manhattan and music was done by DJ Miss Saigon. There was video and pictures taken at the event and I made the video reel. Check it out here (the January 2010 Video Wrap Up)....The event starts at 6:48 in the video and I appear from 8:10.

Big shoutouts to my boy Andrew Fennell for my spot in the video.

- Lershaun

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome to the revamp

Well it isn't as impressive as I'd like it to be but I've got homework lol....The blog will be updated quite frequently from now on so stay tuned